Video on Demand!

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The Alexander Institute VOD produces the most critically acclaimed sexuality video series for couples and singles who want to enhance their sex life.

World-renowned sex therapists, educators and best-selling authors developed this most erotic and informative series. We feature attractive real couples in real situations. Studies show sexuality videos improve communication and lead to new sexual heights. 

Our team of experts includes Dr. Lonnie Barbach, Dr. Patti Britton, Dr. Lori Buckley, Dr. Ava Cadell, Michael Riskin, Ph.D. & Anita Banker Riskin, MA, Dr. Bernie Zilbergeld, Mark Michaels & Patricia Johnson, Alicia & Ian Denchasy, Deborah Sundahl, Susan Bremer, and Juli Ashton.

What are you waiting for?  Click the link and get started today!