Sensual massage relaxes and stimulates at the same time!

Plan a night of romantic intimacy with your significant other that starts with a soothing massage to boost sexual desire. 

The Art of Massage

ROLLER BALL MASSAGERThe feeling one gets when massaged by this roller is exhilarating, relaxing, and seductive all in one.  I succumb to the pleasure when it is applied to me.  Therefore, I wanted to share this with everyone and encourage you to get one to make everyone and anyone you care about feel good.   It’s easy to use and feels so good when applied to your skin. This is a glove which features an adjustable strap that fits over almost any hand - left or right. Featuring 9 metallic balls evenly distributed over the glove for the best coverage, each ball is able to roll 360 degrees which means you can move your hand in any direction over the skin. The reverse side that goes against the palm has hundreds of little nubs to make wearing it comfortable. If you’re on the receiving end of this it will make you melt!  Don’t we owe it to our significant others to make them feel good?!!!  ❤️